Waiting for Farrah

Hi, this is Wayne posting today, first time, woot! It's now one week since we got married. About this time last week the nerves/excitement were really starting to set in. I never really had a doubt that Farrah would make it to the wedding, but when you are standing up there waiting for the woman of your dreams you can think up incredibly bazaar hypothetical situations as why your bride is late. Now when I say late Farrah was only late by a matter of 5 mins but at the front of the chapel that is an eternity... Even after the flower girl and all the bridesmaids had walked the aisle time slowed down almost like the bullet time in the matrix and for that moment it felt like a whole life time had passed before she emerged from behind the door, her beautiful face beaming with a smile that could bring any man to his knees. It was at this moment that the war between my irrational fear and my joyous excitement was over, leaving me with only the excitement and joy! Farrah's name translates from Arabic to Joy, with this I can truly say that the God has brought with Farrah, Joy into my life!


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