Doors galore

Who would have thought that one day we'd be shopping for doors?
The world of doors, such a facinating and interesting world.

Who would have thought that there would be so many choices when it came to doors. Different styles, shapes, designs, era, make, and other sub-choices like door handles...there's a gazillion door handles!!!

I wonder, those who own these door-making businesses how they came about being involved in this industry? just wake up one morning and say HEY I wanna make doors and lots of them! Our sales man was incredibley passionate about doors, he was describing them as if to say that they are the most important part of a house...hmm. To be honest, we were standing there and trying to remember what our doors look like in our current unit. It's just something you don't really notice and remember?

So we're definitely not spending a lot of money on doors, or door handles for that matter. The handles are just as expensive as the doors! which I found quite hilarious.

I've got a few pics of some of the doors, some of the glass ones are adorable. But unfortunately we're not going for that look but if I ever build a cute cottage house I think those designs would be fab. We're going for more of a modern, french-chic look. But that could change so who knows!


  1. I know the feeling - doors - particularly our front door - are causing me no end of pain at the moment. I am finding it really hard to find anything modern enough! I don't want patterns, I don't want lead lighting, just plain normal doors. Who would have thought it would be this hard!

  2. Haha I know. I thought it was going to be such an easy task. We want something very modern and simple, but we could only find doors like the above pictures, patterns on glass. The sales guy just didn't get it, he kept showing us what we didn't want.

    Ah, the joys of building.
